Modern Project Management

Teams Research in Project Management and Organizational Behavior: Leveraging One Discipline to Propel Another

Andrew Carnes
Western Carolina University United States
Todd Creasy
Western Carolina University United States
Nathan Johnson
Western Carolina University United States


Teams and team related concepts have been investigated in the organizational behavior (OB) and project management (PM) disciplines for a century and nearly half-century respectfully. A five-decade, interdisciplinary examination of the OB and PM team literatures suggests areas for expeditiously incorporating OB concepts into PM research thus reducing an average 25-year "thematic lag" between OB's and PM's similar, team-centric research initiations. Adoption of a shared agenda, as done previously in other fields (e.g. Selznick, 1948), would allow PM researchers to leverage prior OB studies while focusing sharply on PM-specific team issues thus propelling research in theory and practice.

Keywords: project management, organizational behavior, team dynamics, interdisciplinary.



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