Modern Project Management

The Journal of Modern Project Management

Home > The Journal of Modern Project Management

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016):

Editorial Letter

Osmar Zózimo De Souza Jr.

Nonlinear Cost Estimates at Completion Adjusted with Risk Contingency

Alberto De Marco

Project Risk Management in R&D Organizations : A Survey on Risk Register from Korean companies.

ChangHan Ryu

Guidelines for the Deployment of Criteria for Selection of Strategic Projects in Design

Henrique Benedetto

Making Sense of the Modern Project Management: A Multi-Level View

Carlos Eduardo Yamasaki Sato

A Two-Part Self-Adaptive Technique in Genetic Algorithms for Project Scheduling Problems

Aria Shahsavar

Exploratory study of success factors for research and development projects run by SMEs in Quebec linked to secondary and tertiary aluminum production

Caroline Durand

Predicting Technical Communication in Global Product Development Projects Related Change Propagation

Sonia Kherbachi

The Impact of Good and Bad Multitasking on Buffer Requirements of CCPM Portfolios

Mahdi Ghaffari

Supporting the Design of Competitive Organizations by a Domain-Specific Application Framework for the Viable System Model

Julian Wilberg

Applying DMM and DSM to Support the Quantitative Investigation of the Design Thinking

Maiara Rosa

The effect of individual’s cultural values and social capital on knowledge sharing in web-based communication environment

JinYoung Han



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