Modern Project Management

The Journal of Modern Project Management

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Vol. 6 No. 3 (2019):

What is a program: An examination of terminology in practitioner reference documents

Stephen Keith McGrath

The Applied, Knowledge, and Work-based oriented Project Management Coaching Framework (AKW-PMCF)

Annie Wenu

The relationship between OPM3 and Project Performance: A multiple case study

Ilércio Bento

Identifying Critical Success Factors in Project-Based Organizations Using QFD

Oren Eliezer

Value Proposition in Different Types of Buildings- Characteristics and Means

Amin Haddadi

Using statistical control charts to monitor duration-based performance of project

Nooshin Yousefi

Project Management Lessons Learned “The Elephant in the Room”

Martin Paver

Revisiting project complexity: a new dimension and framework

Leandro Bolzan de Rezende

Estimation of Speed in Design Teams: Implementation of Agile Tools for Retail & Construction Management

Hugo Sanchez Vicente

Post-Project Appraisals to improve capital investment performance of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises

Christina K Yip

Projects as Dynamic, Multi-level temporary Organizations: Advantages of an Agent-Based Modeling Approach

Bianica Pires



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