Modern Project Management

(ISSN: 2317-3963)

The Journal of Modern Project Management

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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017):

Editorial-Letter: Resource-Sensitive Project Design

Osmar Zózimo De Souza Jr

Including the voice of the client in the creative process: a case study of the integration of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to the Value Proposition Design (VPD) in the service sector

Fabiano Armellini

Charters, Mandates, Roadmaps and Other Artefacts at the Launch of a Project: Characteristics and Similarities

Pierre Bonnal

Identification of the Critical Success Factors for Maintenance Contracts with Target Cost Contracting

Begum Sertyesilisik

Risk Management in Project Environments: Reflection of The Standard Process

Brian Joseph Galli

Using the Earned Value Approach for Controlling Overhead Cost in Construction Projects

Shlomo Globerson

Assistance in selecting a project contracting strategy by combining complex systems theory and risk and vulnerability analysis

Julien Ventroux

The hot potato game: roles and responsibilities for realizing IT project benefits

Alejandro Romero Torres

Compromise between creative activities and project management activities: a contingency factor

Julie Bérubé

Another Look at Project Risks – A Multidimensional Perspective

John Richard Horne

Combining EDM and EVM: a proposed simplification for project time and cost management

Mario Vanhoucke

Bee Inspired Route Management Approach and Use of Internet of Things

Leong Kah Huo



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